We realize that shifting the sim's focus to dark style RP will not be to everyones taste, but the majority of players we feel would prefer something more dangerous for their characters to react to beyond the light fluffy everyday living.
This will come in the form of the Vigiles being more oppressive. Smashing merchants stalls of those that have yet to buy their merchant licenses, arresting vagabonds on the street, planting evidence in peoples homes if they have crossed the wrong high end people like the magistrate and Praetor.
Those found breaking the law or appearing to will have much heavier consequences from the magistrate.
The social standing of patricians over plebians will be more evident in the way plebians will be regarded with distain by most because they are not part of the upper classes. So expect to be judged by those who consider themselves higher up the food chain and society will look down on any trying to crawl up the ladder. There will be nastyness, bitchyness and rudeness - none of which will be personal. So it will be more important than ever that you make the right friends with influence or risk Fortuna turning her back on you when you need it most.
Slaves will be watched more closely by the likes of the vigiles and possibly even ex slaves will find they are under suspicion from others with a chance of being blamed for things that go wrong. Gladiators will have their lives more at risk and more paranoia of a slave uprising of course, and even those that are not of roman blood who have never been slaves, will find they could be treated as such.
It really is important that people play the roles that they have chosen, realize the limits that imposes and how others will react to you. if you want power and influence then you need a position on sim that will reflect that, rather than rely on background, families back in rome and so on. (these positions will be limited to avoid powergaming) if you want to feel oppressed and shat on from a great height then choose a role that makes you one of the working classes, merchant, slum rats, slaves/gladiators and so on. If you want to do the oppressing then join the vigiles, and lastly if you want to try and beat the system and see the romans suffer - come on board as a criminal. There is roles for everyone.
Given that there are a number of storylines that have fallen by the wayside over the holidays period these last few weeks, we want to start this off with a fresh start and have a Saturnalia party where the new rp style will kick in. This will give everyone a chance to think over if they wish to remain in Pompeii or even reroll as a new character and kick the new darker focused RP off with a bang. (date will be over the xmas/new year)
There will of course be plenty of laughs and light hearted moments and as always OOC'ly we hope everyone will be supportive and friendly as they have always been, and ultimately we hope this will draw players of like minds who enjoy playing a more indulgent, power hungry, self serving, realistic and oppressive loving player over those that prefer a lighter happy family bunny hugging rp. (Not that there is anything wrong with that lol)
If you wish to abruptly change your storline to suit this new direction please send any admin an application form informing us of your changes.
If there are players that do not wish to be involved in dark rp, then we honestly wish you the best for your future RP
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